Fiber Up, Buttercup

Uncategorized Aug 30, 2024



  • Less Cravings: Fiber helps regulate your body's use of sugars, keeping hunger and blood sugar in check.
  • Weight Loss: High-fiber foods are super filling, so you'll eat less and stay satisfied longer. (natural GLP-1- Ozempic
  • Poop Health: Fiber adds bulk to your stool and aids in regular bowel movements.🚽 so less bloating.
  • Disease Prevention: A fiber-rich diet can lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. 

We're doing my 1-2-2 Plan to get in more fiber during the day. I've got a great high fiber cheat sheet for fruits, vegetables and complex carbs to help you hit your goal each day. 

This challenge will change how you feel, and your waist line if that is of interest to you. 

The Fiber Challenge ebook is inside my Community Membership with all of the details. 



Seed Probiotic. Another way to boost your microbiome and gut health is with a real, quality prebiotic and probiotic. Seed is heads above other brands and is a great way to get your digestion on track. I've had so many clients feel a real difference after starting seed. Click here and enter REALFOODSCOUT for 15% off. 



The Pomodoro Technique (named after a tomato shaped kitchen timer). WTF is that?  It's a a time management method that involves alternating between 25-minute periods of focused work, called pomodoros, and five-minute breaks. But here is my tweak on it. I want you to to use it in this way...

Every night when you get into bed, look at your schedule for the next day, and block out your tasks...what time are you making those Dr appt call, doing that 20 minute strength training, making lunch, picking up kids from school, running that errand. THOSE TASKS NEED EXACT TIMES DURING YOUR DAY. Otherwise, your brain is a jumbled mess of chaos and it alway feels like you are overwhelmed and don't have enough time. 


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