History of Hangry

Uncategorized Aug 30, 2024

I'm gonna take a guess and say that at one point in your life, you've tried skipping meals as a weight loss plan. 

As women, this seems to just be part of our lived experience. Part of our history of living with diet culture.  March is Women's History Month, and to celebrate, I would like to make being hangry (because you're not eating) to be skinny....history. 


Here's why we need to shut it down:

When you deprive your body of food, it adapts to conserve energy. This can lead to a decrease in your metabolism making it harder to burn calories even when you're not actively trying to lose weight.

Skipping meals leads to increased hunger and cravings making you more susceptible to overeating later. Especially if you reach for sugary, processed foods that are readily available and seem more appealing when you're starving.

But maybe the most tragic of all is when the body doesn't get the nutrients it needs, it breaks down muscles for energy. THIS IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE WANT. We need our muscles as we age for bone health, not to mention for that toned look.

Skipping meals might seem like a calorie-cutting hack but it hinders your weight loss in the long run. 


Make hangry history. Please eat.


Want more guidance on this, check out my Blueprint Course. (this also includes my Lazy Healthy Membership and if you're not a member...where you been?)


What I'm Loving

If you're lazy about chopping like I am, this is your game changer tool. It's small to store, it's easy clean up AND it gives you small, uniformly cut vegetables for your sautes, stir fries and salads. This will make your meals feel that much closer to a restaurant meal without learning chef knife cuts. Get this chopper


 What to Lean Into:

Listening to your body. Stop ignoring those hunger cues, they're only going to get louder the more your try to quiet them down. The more persistent they will be if you keep pushing them away. Eat. Prioritize eating meals, and stop scavenging and skipping until dinner. This is a health and weight loss disaster. 


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