Some of my 1 on 1's are having these symptoms...

Uncategorized Aug 30, 2024

This month many of my 1 on 1 clients have been having these symptoms...

Headaches, leg cramps, constipation coming on strong and are like "where is this coming from?"

Ummm you're dehydrated and mostly likely you are too. Yeah, I'm talkin to you. I know in the 80s/90s we didn't carry around water bottles and were fine...but you old as fuck now and it's time to lubricate your body.  

💧Drinking enough water isn't just about staying alive;

1. SKIN: Enough water keeps your skin plump and radiant.

2. POOP: It helps keep things detoxing and flowing and less bloating and thickness through the middle too

3. LEG CRAMPS & HEADACHES: If you're working out or spending more time in the hot sun (duh summer) you've got to increase your water intake even more than you were.

Baseline: 1/2 of your body weight in ounces. 

 Also, if you're hitting an afternoon slump or tension headache? Get some water, and better yet get some water with salt or LMNT. 


What I'm Loving

Watermelon!!! I know this is not a product but it is a THE food you need to be eating for hydration (as mentioned above) AND  if you're trying to lose weight Watermelon is filled with fiber and water that helps you feel full and it's super low in calories. So if you are in still stuck in the "fruit is bad" camp. Call Phyllis Nefler and get out and get to the a hotel! (anyone get that 90s reference?) 

Tips for picking a ripe one? 

Heavy, round, yellow spot, dull, lots of webbing. 


 What to Lean Into:

Less time on the phone. 

Since I went 6 days without my phone last month, I've been easing my way back into it. I'm not just talking social media, I'm talking my entire phone was gone for 6 days. And the phone, has lots of things to do on it, all the time. Not only work but, let's say we're going to dinner, maybe I'm looking up the location, is it open, what's popular on the menu. Or anytime I was idle, in line, at the doctors office, in the car, I'd go check email, texts, client logs, instagram or anything. Those phone free days, the lack of anxiety I felt was astonishing, so I've been working hard to set better boundaries for myself since then. So, I'm still trying to keep it to a minimum, while it is also a big part of my job...I'm figuring my way around it all. 


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