Struggling with that mid-life muffin top?

No Diets. No B.S.

A new way to life your best life.

Because what worked in your 20s and 30s doesn't work anymore.

I'm In ⇨
Struggling with that mid-life muffin top?

No Diets. No B.S.

A new way to life your best life.

Because what worked in your 20s and 30s doesn't work anymore.

My Blueprint Program ⇨


I read the diet books, but they were not giving me the information Jenny was giving me that helped me. I'm now aware of what I was doing wrong. Jenny showed me the path to walk along. She was a life saver. She guided me through, I saw results and it all makes sense now.

-Susan H.

Nothing is working

You've tried "all the things", but diet culture is keeping you stuck.

No more, drowning in wellness & weight loss noise. I've worked in health for 15+ years and I know what works. 

In my Behavior Change Blueprint membership, I give you specific and simple ways to fuel your body so you feel satisfied, energized and boost your mid-life metabolism. 



You're don't need to be told what to do.  

YOU need to know how to do it.

Concrete tools and strategies to that work for your personality and your lifestyle, so you can create lasting change in your health and lose weight, for good.



You're don't need to be told what to do.  

YOU need to know how to do it.

Concrete tools and strategies to that work for your personality and your lifestyle, so you can create lasting change in your health and lose weight, for good.

Are you ready to 

Start now to change your body and your life 

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Diet-Free Weight Loss, Behavior Change Blueprint program, strategy sessions, group support, and office hours with Jenny 



  • Blueprint Program: Diet-Free Weight Loss designed to give you natural, sustainable weight loss with more food freedom
  • 60+ mini Audio Lessons you can listen on a walk or in your car (so you aren't tethered to your computer & under 5 minutes each.
  • Behavior Change Audio Lessons and tools to understand your barriers and help you create real change 
  • Weekly Check-in emails to keep you on track and accountable
  • Private bi-weekly email & direct message Office hours for real time for answers & support from Jenny    


  • Lazy Healthy Membership included:
  • Weekly Group Strategy Sessions with Jenny
  • Community of like-minded women sharing real life tips & support (*can be first name only)
  • Monthly Community Challenges to jumpstart new healthy habits
  • Kitchen Reset & Meal Planning Program $199 value  (audio course, so you aren't tethered to your computer) 

  • Recipe Library with my lazy healthy mid-life meals
  • New Recipes & Videos added monthly 
  • Shopping lists & cheat sheets  
  • Better Brands library & brand discount codes 


yet interesting enough that I can't want for the next lesson. I cna get bored with things, but Jenny made sure that doesn't happen! 

-Jennifer S.


Private Coaching more your style?

If you really want to dive into your relationship with food and build strategic health and weight goals that are sustainable, learn more about my private One on One coaching here.

Learn More

YOUR NEW {internet} BESTIE

Hi, I'm Jenny.  

I love food, cheesy poofs in particular. I also happen to be a Certified Nutritionist, Personal Trainer and Behavioral Change Specialist.

All fancy talk for, I've been around the wellness block a few times, studying health for more than 15 years and I know what works and what doesn't, and how to make it easier.

I'm at expert in changing your relationship with food, permanently, so you can stop spinning your wheels and your wallet. 

Read the Most Recent Blog Posts

Nutrition, fitness, wellness, mindset, and handy tips and tricks to keep you on track.

Matcha Powder: Your New Green Best Friend

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Protein Powders going mainstream for midlife

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Discover a Secret to
Shedding Your Midlife Muffin Top


Feel Full Naturally Guide for Simple Weight Loss

Without Starving Yourself or Giving Up Your Favorite Treats!

In this free download, you'll learn:

⭐ How to increase that GLP-1 hormone without using Ozempic to feel fuller faster. 

⭐ Which foods give you the most bang for your gut, so you feel full, happy and satisfied.

Easy tips to build muscle and boost that mid-life metabolism.

Includes a 1 Week Meal Plan!

Get Free Download

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Follow me on Instagram @jennyjiles

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